Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tofu and Chocolate. (Go THRASHERS. Kovy you rule.)

This post brought you to by a 22 oz. Corona earlier today and..... about 5 Molson Ice!!!! But i'm watching hockey, so that's justifiable, right? We're going to go with "Yes" for $500, Alex. Thanks.

Speaking of hockey, my beloved Thrashers are winning 4 to 1 at the end of the 2nd period. FUCK YES. WE NEED THIS WIN.

On to music.

Okay, so Boys Noize. Oi Oi Oi. Shitty name for an album, but you know what? It's fucking legendary. Cheesy dance music at it's finest. "Let's Buy Happiness", "Oh!", "Lava Lava", just jam after jam. DAMN, this album rules. I can't wait to move to Europe.

On a polar opposite note, i'm going to go through the entire Bob Dylan discography, chronologically. It will be awesome, it will be scary, it will even be difficult at times, but i'm up to the task. I haven't ventured much past 1968 Dylan before, and i'm excited.

But yeah, Boys Noize. Seriously, delicious.

ALSO, i got the new Wu-Tang today. It's is pretty awesome as well. I'm going to have to recommend everyone go purchase it. It's delicious, but in a healthier way. 8 Diagrams is like a really delicious veggie tofu sandwich, and Boys Noize is more like a LOT of chocolate, which is also delicious, but maybe not as good for you.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cheesy dance music THAT'S REALLY GOOD.

3 posts in one night. I'M ON FIRE.

This is Boys Noize. Daryl told me about them. Not best video in the world, but whatever.

Another amazing Boys Noize track. Not a video, but at least you get to hear it!

Stylophonic - Dancefloor. Used in a Dolce & Gabbana ad. FREAKING GREAT TRACK.

Portishead videos!!!!!!!

Okay, so what we got here are a couple Portishead videos. One of which (this first one) is "Only You" directed by Chris Cunningham who i mentioned just moment ago. The second is "All Mine" which is one of my favorite Portishead songs. ENJOY THIS.

Drukqs (a.k.a. One of the Greatest Albums EVER)

This post is brought to you by about 3 Amber Bocks that Daryl bought me for watching Judah, and an "adult size" Bud Ice. By the way, today was my last day of class for college for the rest of my life. Just thought i'd let you know....

Tonight's topic of discussion is Aphex Twin's Drukqs, which is in the top 4 greatest albums of all time. Okay, maybe 5. I'm going to listen to the entire album now and tell you thoughts on each track. P.S. - a lot of the track titles are in Cornish. Which is why they seem nonsensical. They mean things, it's just Cornish. DON'T STRESS. Also, i might tend to do this in a style that's influenced by doing a lot of coffee tastings. Just roll with it. (P.S. - When i say prepared piano i mean this. I'm to lazy to explain what i'm talking about.)

Disc One
1. Jynweythek - Prepared piano. Beautiful. Delicious.
2. Vordhosbn - Also delicious, but glitchy. Kind of sad, makes me want to cry a little.
3. Kladfvgbung Micshk - More prepared piano, not as beautiful as "
Jynweythek" but still delicious.
4. Omgyjya-Switch7 - Maybe the best track on the album? I want more that almost anything in the world to have been able to write this track. It makes me want to cry also, but not because it's sad, but because it's so good.
5. Strotha Tynhe - Regular piano. Reminds me of my mom. I love her.
6. Gwety Mernans - Brooding. Piano. Awesome low end.
7. Bbydhyonchord - I'm bobbing my head, right now. It's that good. One of the few arguably "normal" tracks on this album.
8. Cock/Ver 10 - Similar feeling to "
Omgyjya-Switch7". Makes me want to cry is so good. Glitchy. DELICIOUS.
9. Avril 14th - Beautiful piano. Makes me think of my mom. I love her. (P.S. - I took piano from the age of 7 to 18, and my mom was my teacher, hence the mom comments).
10. Mt Saint Michael + Saint Michaels Mount - Chris Cunningham did a video using this track called "Monkey Drummer" in which he used the arms and leg(s) of the drummer from the Sugarcubes. Little known fact. I JUST BLEW YOUR MIND. (P.S. - the monkey in this video uses his penis that's a drum stick to play part of the track.) WHY DO SUCH AMAZING THINGS LIKE THIS EXIST!?) Second best track on this record, i think...
11. Qwarek - Spooky. People that sound like ghosts are talking/screaming. I love it.
12. Orban Eq Trx 4 - Great beat. I'm bobbing my head. Short track. Delicious.
13. Aussois - More people talking. 13 second track. WHATEVS.
14. Hy A Scullyas - More prepared piano. BEAUTIFUL.
15. Kesson Daley - Regular piano... Mom, i love you!

Disc Two
1. 54 Cymru Beats - Really kind of an abrasive track, but DELICIOUS. 3rd greatest track on this record? Probably.
2. Btoum-Roumada - I'm tripping out! Church organ? Maybe kind of? But with bells or something? Richard James is GENIUS.
3. Lornaderek - Awww!!!! Richard's parents wishing him a happy birthday on his 28th. SWEETEST THING EVER!!!! CORNISH OLD PEOPLE ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!
4. Penty Harmonium - Sounds like an accordian? Maybe organ again. I'm drunk, i don't know....
5. Meltphace 6 - Okay so basically this AFX. At least to me. I don't know if that means anything to anyone else....
6. Bit4 - 25 second weird noisy track. Delicious.
7. Prep Gwarlek - Prepared piano. Abrasive. I love it.
8. Father - Piano. Very un-mom though. Just for the record.
9. Taking Control - Second normally titled track on the album. Glitchy. Over 7 minutes. Delicious.
10. Petiatil Cx Htdui - Piano? Prepared piano? No, normal piano. Haunting. Beautiful.
11. Ruglen Holon - Okay, NOW we got some prepared piano.
12. Afx237 V7 - AFX is in the title of this track!!! What does that mean? Wait.... i think this is track Chris Cunningham used for Rubber Johnny......
13. Ziggomatic V17 - Glitchy. Delicious. Damn... over 8 minutes. Intense.
14. Beskhu3epnm - Prepared piano. Brilliant. I love it.
15. Nanou2 -
"Avril 14th" all over again, but just as awesome.

Bottom line. This album is one of the most important albums of all time. Not even joking. Even though i'm drunk.

Saturday, December 1, 2007



Brought to you by.... some white wine, some Sam Adams light, and a bunch of other shit.

David Bowie's song "Changes" one of the greatest songs ever recorded. Know this.

NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FRIENDS SAY, the Field has one the greatest albums of this year. From Here We Go Sublime. BUY IT.

So what if José Gonzalez covered "Teardrop", "Love Will Tear Us Apart", and "Heartbeats"? THE ORIGINALS ARE BETTER. But it's still admirable that he has good taste. I respect that. Keep up the good work. And you're from Scandinavia, Josè. God bless you.

So Skream is supposed to be one the top names in the London dubstep scene. His album Skream! is OKAY. Burial makes every other dubstep album look like a freshmen's in high school's paper compared to a Ph. D. doctoral candidate's thesis. SORRY SCREAM. BURIAL JUST KIND OF OWNS YOU'RE FUCKING FACE.

What else? I'm going through my iTunes on shuffle, and writing thoughts down....

Lemon Jelly's "'93 aka Don't Stop Now"....legendary track.

Neko Case? Awesome.

Kylie Minogue? Awesome. Don't judge me.

I have two Honey Is Cool album. I'm cooler than you.

I'm also going to bed now. Very tired.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Moose and The Field

It's postin' time...

This post is brought to you by beer. About 5 different kinds. And a Thrashers loss. Fuck the Maple Leafs.

Speaking of hockey, the Thrashers beloved backup goalie, Johan Hedberg a.k.a. 'The Moose', is Swedish, and so is this dude called Johan Hedberg who is not him, but shares his name and has a song. It's on Pitchfork here... again, it's not 'The Moose' just one his countrymen. Kind of funny....

Let's talk about the Field. I put this CD in my car today. (From Here We Go Sublime). Probably one of the most bass heavy CD's i own.

Bottom line, i downloaded this program Ableton. I think the Field uses it. I'm trying to learn. He is my inspiration. He is legend... ary.

But seriously, fuck the Maple Leafs. And them winning only 2 of the past 9 games and choosing US (the Thrashers) to be one of the two victories. Bullshit.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Best Albums of 2007

This post is brought to you by about 7 or 8 PBR's and some holiday Sam Adams shit.

Thrashers are probably going to lose at this point. I turned the TV off and i'm keepi
ng track online..... Martin Brodeur is a legend, what are you going to do?


Number #10
Artist: Of Monteal
Album: Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
Favorite track: "Gronlandic Edit"
Intoxicated thoughts: I'm not one of those Elephant 6 dudes, but wow. This album rules. I don't care about some stupid fucking Outback commercial. That commercial financed this entire fucking record, bitches. SUCK IT YOU FUCKERS!

Number #9
Artist: St. Vincent
Album: Marry Me
Favorite track: "Now now"
Intoxicated thoughts: I'd marry her. Tomorrow. With or without a pre-nup. I doesn't matter. I LOVE ANNIE CLARK.

Number #8
Artist: Stars of the Lid
Album: Stars of the Lid and Their Refinement of the Decline
Favorite track: I don't know, the whole fucking album? Yeah.
Intoxicated thoughts: Best ambient album EVER. Or at least of 2007. Definitely. But not ever.

Number #7
Artist: Xela
Album: For Frosty Mornings and Summer Nights
Favorite track: "Under the Glow of Streetlights"
Intoxicated thoughts: This album is better than you deserve. But yet it was created for your anyways. If Styrofoam did an album this year, it would have probably been this good.

Number #6
Artist: The Tuss
Album: Rushup Edge
Favorite track: Uh, every track, duh?
Intoxicated thoughts: This is Aphex Twin, bitches!
KNOW THIS! DON'T BE IGNORANT! RICHARD D. JAMES IS THE BADDEST MOTHERFUCKER ON THE PLANET. Get used to it. Even if it isn't him. I don't know, i think it's him.

Number #5
Artist: Liars
Album: Lairs
Favorite track: "Cycle Time"
Intoxicated thoughts: "YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU touch my head and that's when......" that's the only lyrics i know. BUT IT'S FUCKING GOOD. Buy. This. Album. Now. Please.

Number #4
Artist: Band of Horses

Album: Cease to Begin
Favorite track: "No One's Going To Love You"

Intoxicated thoughts: It's a trick because "No One's Going To Love You like i do." See? Sweet. I love this band. God bless them, even if they're idiots sometimes.

Number #3
Artist: Radiohead
Album: In Rainbows
Favorite track: "Reckoner"
Intoxicated thoughts: SHOCKING! Why isn't this number 1? I'm drunk, that's why, and i'm keeping it real. Björk's not even on the list. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!?

Number #2
Artist: The Field
Album: From Here We Go Sublime
Favorite track: "The Little Heart Beats So Fast"
Intoxicated thoughts: I'm shocked at myself. I can't believe Burial
isn't number one. But drunk Ben has spoken. THE FIELD, who i bailed out on seeing in Athens a month or two ago, HAS THE BEST ALBUM OF 2007. FROM HERE WE GO SUBLIME. Please go out and buy this record. Please. This is one of the greatest records ever made. KNOW THIS.

Number #1
Artist: Burial
Album: Untrue
Favorite track: "Archangel"
Intoxicated thoughts: This is the greatest album made in the past 10 years. That's right, i said it. And it's only #2 this year. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS IS HAPPENING. THIS ALBUM IS LEGENDARY.

Your options

Okay. So my beloved Thrashers are down 2 - 0 right now. Sucks.

Anyways, i've had about 7 beers are this point, but after the game (we're in the 2 period intermission) i'll post my favorite games of the year. I mean, favorite ALBUMS of the years. Hockey, music, whatever.

Okay, so here are the albums i'll be choosing from for albums of the year. I think i'll be picking just 10. Here are the options by order of album title. I think there's about 31.

Laurila - Boyhood
Feu Thérèse - Ça Va Cogner
Band of Horses - Cease to Begin
Pelican - City of Echoes
Low - Drums and Guns
Xela - For Frosty Mornings and Summer Nights
The Good, The Bad, and the Queen - The Good, The Bad, and the Queen
The Field - From Here We Go Sublime
Kanye West - Graduation
Grinderman - Grinderman
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Amiina - Kurr
Liars - Liars
St. Vincent - Marry Me
Dizzee Rascal - Maths + English
Battles - Mirrored
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Air - Pockey Symphony
Feist - The Reminder
The Tuss - Rushup Edge
Säkert! - Säkert!
Stars of the Lid - Stars of the Lid and Their Refinement of the Decline
The Horrors - Strange House
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Burial - Untrue
Björk - Volta
Apparat - Walls
The Angels of Light - We Are Him
The Innocence Mission - We Walked In Song
Bill Callahan - Woke On a Whaleheart
Blonde Redhead - 23

Thursday, November 22, 2007

WEIRD, wierd dream. Wow.

So i'm not drunk, but i literally woke up 5 seconds ago, and i'm a little under the weather. So my ability to communicate what i'm trying to say will be able to the same as when i'm under the influence of alcohol.

Reason for this post is i had a CRAZY dream. So i'm at some awards show, and it's like in some kind of auditorium, but it doesn't have a balcony, just a really far back nosebleed section. I'm sitting up there, and there's all these instruments set up, and all of a sudden i'm watching these 4 people walking towards and then i realize...... IT'S THE FUCKING COCTEAU TWINS. I start hyperventilating a bit, and grab Yesenia whose with me and try to get a spot. There's only one row of chairs in this strange set up. Everyone else has to stand. But it's at the top of an auditorium, so there's hardly any room anyways. I'm literally like 10 feet away from (one of) my favorite band of all time who broke up 11 years ago and i never would have dreamed i would get to see live. I'm checking to see if one of the chairs are available, because it's empty, and this women whose sitting next to it pushes me! I try to remain calm, but i end up sounding.... i don't know, whatever, but i say something to the affect of "Whoa, lady, no need to push. If that's seats taken i'll move, that's fine." She gets an attitude with me, so i get in her face and tell her the severity of the situation, and try to tell how the Cocteau Twins are an extremely important band to me, etc.

Rest of the part is a blur, but she proceeds to talk back to me for a good bit, all of which i respond to without getting as upset as she's getting. Last thing i remember about this dream is the woman left to go to the bathroom or something and these two guys, one of which kind of looked like James Early Jones, were joking around that i was a character actor, to which i laughed when i heard. I was surprised, maybe flattered? But these guys really though i was doing some sort of real world acting or something! What the hell?

This might be the craziest dream i've ever had. I'm going back to bed.

:edit: I DO know there are only 3 members of the Cocteau Twins. In the dream there some an extra dude. Not sure why.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Joy Division is more important that you can even realize

So it's a stretch whether or not i can justify posting right now, as TECHNICALLY i'm not drunk, but i'm buzzing off two glasses of wine. Close enough. It's going to be kind of brief anyways.

Control. (Movie about Joy Division, for those who don't know.) I saw it today. I fought back the tears. Successfully. Although i kind of wish i had cried, but Lori was sitting next to me, so that might have been awkward... but if she hadn't been there, i would have cried. All i want to do is listening to Joy Division records for the next week. But the new Radiohead and Burial will probably have to be thrown in there too..... so Joy Division, and new Radiohead and Burial will be in heavy rotation for a while.

Also, just in case you're wondering, i own a Factory Records original copy of Unknown Pleasures. And Closer. And about 4 or 5 other Joy Division special edition vinyls. Two of which are picture discs. Oh, and an original "Love Will Tear Us Apart" single from 1980.

On a related note, if you're a female, and you want me to fall in love with you, go through my records and tell me how amazing it is that i own a Factory Records original copy of Unknown Pleasures and i will probably ask you to marry me immediately.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Let's talk about Mezzanine, shall we? Okay.

First off, Christie Davis.... LOVE HER. Probably my bestest friend. Ever. Love her.

Second, Mezzaine from the group known as Massive Attack. Legendary.

Is this album the best Massive Attack album ever? We're going to go ahead and go with a big, "Yes". I LOVE IT. Liz Fraser? Greatest vocalist of all time? Yes. Mostly definitely, without hesitation, Liz Fraser, formerly of the legendary band known as Cocteau Twins, greatest female vocalist of all time.

This album is the greatest Massive Attack album ever. DESPITE WHAT GAVIN MAY SAY, Protection, as good as it is, is NOT the best Massive Attack album of all time. It's good, but Mezzanine? "Risingson"? "Teardrop"? "Man Next Door"? Ever other track one the album?


Don't forget this!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Rainbows

So since the last post, Yesenia has gone out and got me another 22 oz. of Bud Ice. How i pulled this off, i don't know. I'm thankful though. Yes.

So In Rainbows, top 2 Radiohead albums ever? Probably. Actually album cover pictures above? No. But that would be amazing.

"Jigsaw Falling Into Place", "Reckoner", "Nude", and every other track on this album. Legendary.

What more to say? Greatest band ever to exist? Yeah, pretty likely. No matter what, in my book, the video for "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" on the 'Thumbs Down' webcast is one of the greatest works of cinema in the history of film making. KNOW THIS.

I'm starting a blog that documents my distructive behavior.

Think moment is brought to you by a 22 oz. + a 40 oz. of Bud Ice. I had a hard day.

This Burial record's gettting better and better, just for the record.

SO. Basically what's happening is, i made a drunk post on benexhale.com about how amazing the new Burial record, Untrue, is and a number of people told me how hilarious my drunk review was.

WELL, here's the thing. I drink in excess on a fairly consistent basis. Amazingly enough, in my intoxicated state, i tend to be both grandiose and somewhat coherent. Why not be productive at the same time and give my thoughts on music?

The answer is, "Yes." This blog will be amazing.

P.S. - I was drinking when i created this, 5 minutes ago.

Untrue (a.k.a. My First Drunk Post!, a.k.a. So Cute!)

The new Burial record, Untrue might be one of the greatest records ever made. Am i drunk as i'm writing this? Yes. Does that affect the sincerity of my statement ? No.

Untrue makes me want to cry it's so good.

Please. Buy. This. Record. It's. Fucking. Amazing.