Thursday, January 31, 2008

SOBER POST: True Norgewian Black Metal

I'm not really into metal much anymore, but this is fascinating.

All five parts your can watch here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


This post is brought to you by a lot of wine, and a beer, and i think some vodka?

I made some CD purchases recently. The Criminal Records purchases were.....

Autechre -
Tri Repetae++
Autechre - Draft 7.30

The Wax 'n' Facts purchases were...

Neko Case and Her Boyfriends - The Virginian
Neko Case - Blacklisted

I'm very happy with all my purchases.

Also Autechre's album packaging is the some of the best album packaging of all time. KNOW THIS.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Field - Sound of Light | Nordic Light Hotel

So basically, i've been listening to this non-stop for the past week. Here's the deal/why you just need to ahead and get it.

1. It's new Field tracks.
2. They were commissioned by some hotel somewhere that's expensive.
3. It's basically a continuation of From Here We Go Sublime, which was a legendary album.
4. It's 4 tracks that are each 15 minutes long.
5. It's only available on iTunes.
6. REALLY GOOD REASON TO GET IT. It's 4 tracks at $1 a piece, and they're each 15 minutes long. THAT'S AN HOURS WORTH OF THE FIELD FOR $4, PEOPLE!

I tried to put the album on my playlist/radio thing, but they're not available on there yet. But come on! $4!!! Just do it!!! That's like a large latte with soy or something!

Monday, January 21, 2008

SOBER POST: Ben Exhale Radio!

Check it out. On the side bar over there on the right side of the page. And no i'm not drunk right now at 2:00 in the afternoon.

I'll hopefully update the playlist pretty often. In theory.

It's mainly electronic stuff. Just so you know.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


This post brought to you by.............fuck, man, i don't even know. So drunk.........

Have you bought Burial's albums yet? WHY NOT?! JUST DO IT!!

We listened to some late sixties and earlier seventies Dolly Parton at work today. GREAT.

Man, i don't know what even else to say. Burial, Boys Noize, Wu-tang....................i'm going to watch Gangland and go to bed,,............

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Look at me. I'm posting.

So.... not much to report on the music front. But i've been drinking, so i'll post anyways.

First off, i'm still rocking Burial. I still think Untrue might be the best record in the past 5 years. Other than that, i've been rocking the new Wu-Tang. "Weak Spot", "Wolves", and "Campfire" are my jams on that album. Aphex Twin's Druqks is still in heavy rotation, with a little bit of Boys Noize as well.

So those four albums. All heavy rotation. Home of my current jams of the moment.

I got a gift card to Criminal Records for Christmas, and i got the Burial, which up until then i had only illegally downloaded. I also purchased three more albums which i all had illegally. Those albums were Neko Case's Furnace Room Lullaby. Stellar alt-country record. I also purchased Stereolab's lovely 1994 album, Mars Audiac Quintet. And then lastly, i purchased the Sonic Youth classic Washing Machine. I'm stoked about all these purchases.

Moral of the story, the RIAA is fucking joke, and if i hadn't first downloaded all those albums illegally, i never would have bought them legally, SO FUCK YOU, RIAA. YOU'RE KILLING MUSIC. STOP EXISTING.